Sanding the wood before planing and/or priming and varnishing is necessary to remove defects and traces left from mechanical processing...
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The large supply of mango wood furniture makes you think of forests spread with mango trees. But the abundance of wood is due to the rapid growth of the trees and...
Even if the theme of the meeting in Sibiu with the carpenters was socializing, many technical topics were also discussed, and some of them were related to...
I look forward to seeing you on September 23, 2023 at the Wood Magazine booth (66A) at the BIFE-SIM fair to talk about wood finishing and derived panels. The theme of...
Pitting in the varnish or paint film sometimes occurs as a result of spraying finishing materials on wood or MDF panels. The cause can be...
White willow is not a suitable wood for furniture because it is difficult to machine. However, over the years there have been attempts to...
Staining wood with ammonium vapor was discovered by chance in England centuries ago. Oak planks stored in a stable for...
Have you noticed the round, white marks left by wet glasses or hot cups of coffee on bedside tables or table tops? Have you spilled your glass of brandy, cognac or...
When a photo of a beautifully finished piece of furniture is posted on profile groups, the first question is what kind of varnish was used. If it were...
Ways of protecting wood existed long before factory-made varnishes. The ability of some materials to keep water away or...