The birth of his daughter prompted him to think of ways of spending time that would educate and harmoniously develop the child. The play tower was born. A...
Tag - CNC
Wood IQ has reached an important milestone for the company - 100 Wood IQ brand CNCs sold in Romania - and wants to celebrate with you...
Wood IQ continues to develop its portfolio, following the launch at BIFE SIM 2019 of the second generation of CNCs, with a range of optional features to...
"The CNC was my dream since I was working in Pipera" - this is how Aurel Ivan from Bella Design started his story, when I asked him about the CNC...
The article could have been called "I met some happy Romanians", I certainly wouldn't have been wrong. In any case, this was the feeling throughout...
Finding solutions involving more efficient machinery is the right and safest way to solve production problems. This is the conclusion reached...
Integrarea roboților în procesele de producție nu mai este o noutate. Soluțiile de robotizare și automatizare vin cu îmbunătățiri evidente și demonstrabile în...
Telefoane inteligente, informații stocate în cloud, internet de mare viteza – totul pare normal și nu mai putem concepe traiul de zi cu zi fără ele. În...
The ATC 2030 Master is a Danibrum CNC created by the company's specialists based on customer needs. Its experience in woodworking and panel panel processing...
Last week we visited several manufacturers of wooden houses. Dan Pruteanu from Wood IQ told us that, while we're in the area, let's go to Suceava to...