Furniture Production Machinery

Serious accidents caused by the operation of the circular are a thing of the past. NEW: PCS Accident Prevention System

PCS® (Preventive Contact System) - live demonstrations at LIGNA 2019

Any carpenter or manufacturer in the woodworking and furniture industry has ten good reasons not to compromise when it comes to work safety. The new PCS® accident prevention system guarantees the physical integrity of the operator working on the circular saw. 

PCS® (Preventive Contact System) to be presented at the International Woodworking Fair LIGNA 2019 which will take place from 27 to 31 May in Hanover, Germany.

PCS® Light-speed accident prevention: response time of milliseconds

PCS® A predicted danger is half avoided: early detection of approach

PCS® Safety shouldn't be expensive: immediate activation, no maintenance costs

Productivity and ease of operation are no longer sufficient criteria to convince woodworking and furniture manufacturers to invest in machinery. Safety and security at work have become important criteria for purchasing woodworking equipment. 

2 hands, 10 fingers! Circular saw accidents are a thing of the past

The PCS® protection and safety system by preventing contact with the saw blade is a Felder innovation that guarantees the physical integrity of the operator during processing on the circular saw. PCS® is available as an option and complements the existing standard protection equipment of the sliding table circular saw.


Preturns accidents at the speed of light

If the risk of an accident is detected (hand near the saw blade), the PCS® automatically triggers the circular saw blade to descend below the table at incredibly high speed. Functionality based on the electromagnetic law of repulsion allows an extremely short response time of a few milliseconds.

Recognises the safety environment around the blade and detects the proximity of the operator's hand

On detecting an unexpected and rapid approach in the circular blade area, the PCS® triggers its immediate lowering. The safety zone is an area that covers the saw blade and detects possible approaches from any direction and over the entire blade surface above table level. Basically, the descent is not triggered by contact with the blade, but when the hands enter the safety zone.

Activates immediately at the touch of a button and requires no maintenance, 0 maintenance costs

PCS® safety lowering is performed without affecting the functionality of the machine. At the push of a button, the PCS® prevention system is activated and the sliding table circular saw is ready for work. PCS® operates without consumable parts and therefore requires no maintenance.

PCS® is available for the Format-4 range of sliding table circular saws from the Felder Gruppe portfolio


LIGNA 2019 - official launch and live PCS® demonstrations

The new PCS® protection and safety system will be presented by Felder Gruppe at the Ligna 2019 International Woodworking Fair from 27 to 31 May in Hanover, Germany. 

Here Find out more and see how the new PCS® circular saw accident prevention system works.

News from Felder Gruppe at LIGNA 2019

At the Felder Gruppe stand, visitors will be able to see and test more than 100 woodworking machines, technical innovations, production process automation solutions, augmented reality with intelligent assistant for fast positioning of cross beams, brackets and parts on CNC, as well as integrated F4®Solutions software solutions for a complete, efficient and profitable production process. Felder Gruppe customers receive free entry. Find out more here and book your visit to Ligna in advance.  

How a circular saw cut can change your life

The story of carpenter Sascha Wein, managing director of the Munich Carpenters' Association

Sascha Wein was always a careful carpenter, careful și concentrate in any had to do in the workshop. Lso was almost 20 years ago in a October afternoon that would change his life. TThe boat was being set up, the workspace was well organised, and dispositives safety of machines were well adjusted. And howeverdespitecautionione unfortunate moment where he twisted his ankle caused the accident in which Sascha and-lost at once 4 fingers of the left hand. Six weeks after the accident in which she lost four fingers, Sasha Wein decided to look at the accident as an opportunity and decided to get more involved in accident prevention and the development of safety measures in woodworking.Read the full story here and see how the circular cut changed Sascha Wein's life.

About the author


Anamaria has over 15 years of experience in marketing and communications for companies in the furniture industry and retail. Prior to Ces Brands she coordinated marketing activities at ICLA Romania.

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