A post by Fane Pănăzan with the processing of a particular exotic wood has created a stir in the carpentry community and beyond. The wood resembled ebony macassar or zebrano, but the white color of the stripes raised questions. However, the mechanical operations used to make the handle of a plank, the noise of the machining and the shavings from the planing reinforced the belief that it was solid wood, not veneered or plastic paneling. At one point someone drew attention to the discontinuity of the annual rings on the edge of the plank. This started the doubt and after studying it thoroughly, Fane announced that it was recomposed wood.
We've been writing about reconstructed veneer for a long time here. Reconstituted solid wood (panels) is a more recent industrialized product. There are a number of companies that distribute wood in various forms, but in Europe we found only one manufacturer of engineered wood. Read on to find out more about what is reconstituted wood, how it is made and what its advantages are. Many thanks to Fane Pănăzan for the photos and information on how composite wood is processed and feels.
What is sawnwood (SaRaiFo)
Macassar wood processed by Fane is sold under the SaRaiFo brand which belongs to the German company Designholz. Mathias Pfeifhofer, who founded the company, comes from an Austrian family with a long tradition in woodworking. The company was originally set up as an online supplier of veneers, especially exotic or rare ones. Before setting up the company, Mathias gained experience working in traditional countries such as Belgium, Italy and the USA, which he used to create the SaRaiFo brand.
SaRaiFo comes from Save the Rainforestin translation Save the rainforest. It all stemmed from a passion for special exotic woods and the fact that massive logging has led to the disappearance or endangerment of many species. Thus the idea of reproducing the design and even the grain of some exotic species using fast-growing and more readily available wood. The main species used are poplar, lime wood (tilia) and ayous (abachi/samba/wawa). The company produces both remanufactured (reconstructed) solid wood and veneers.
How the wood is made
Initially, veneer is obtained by scrolling fast-growing logs. Then any defects that might cause inconvenience later on are removed; knots, cracks, discoloration, etc. Where possible, cracks are repaired.
The next stage is coloring according to the species to be reproduced. The veneers are then laid in the natural pattern of the wood and pressed. In this way they are glued together to form a very strong solid block. The block of wood is then cut to form specific patterns. Sometimes cutting and gluing is repeated to achieve the desired pattern. Patterns can be achieved that mimic tangential or radial cutting, and annual rings are suggested on the edge. The whole process is computer-aided and any design and species can be reproduced.
The company's representatives are very proud of the results and the very close resemblance to the original wood. They say they have often called in carpenters, joiners and wood specialists who have been impressed by how close the resemblance is and how difficult it was to identify the original.
How to process
Engineered wood can be processed like any ordinary solid wood. Sometimes it is even easier to work than the original species, full of gums and other exotic wood materials. It can be cut, drilled, milled or turned. It can be worked by hand or mechanically, using any standard carpentry machine. Because each veneer is stained before the solid block is formed, the wood can be planed and sanded without fear that the interior will not have the same pattern.
The company currently offers 2-3 standard thicknesses of solid wood panels (up to 50 mm) and widths up to 21 cm. The maximum length is 250 cm. The material density can vary between 650 and 900 kg/m³, depending on the base material used and the recomposition technology.
Although it is more stable than the original species, it is still wood and may have slight warping or dimensional variations depending on environmental conditions. Incorrect storage of freshly cut planks or boards can lead to slight warping. Warping is remedied by placing them upside down with a weight on top of them. In order to ensure even drying and thus prevent warping, the elements should be stored with slats between them or upright against a wall.
Engineered wood can be glued and finished like any other wood. It can be varnished, oiled, lacquered or painted. The finishing process is the same as for any other wood. It is however recommended to use staining solutions containing pigment so that the original colors are protected from UV radiation. In this way the original color of the wood will remain unchanged for a long time.
What are the advantages of engineered wood
The main advantage of this material is its contribution to the protection of long-exploited species. Its almost identical appearance and much lower price compared to exotic species makes it a favorite with craftsmen and designers, thus reducing demand for the original species.
Other advantages are the lack of wood defects, easy processing and finishing, higher availability than exotic species, much lower price.
The main disadvantage is the appearance, which is not identical to the original wood, and thus debates such as those mentioned at the beginning can arise. But if the person buying the wood knows that it is not the original species, he can enjoy the advantages without the pressure that it is not what he originally wanted. In addition, he has the satisfaction of having helped to save valuable species.
What wood species are already being reproduced and what's next
In principle, it is possible to reproduce any type of wood, to design and manufacture a wide variety of decorations. It all depends on demand and production capacity. Currently, the species that are constantly in the company's portfolio are cocobolo rosewood and Santos, bub birch, macassar YW (black and white), black and rainbow. Black birch burr, black and white striped zebrano, mahogany and black and white ebony in the near future.
I hope you find the above information useful. As always, additions are welcome. And if you have any questions or queries, please leave them below in the space provided. I will be sure to reply
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