In every workshop or factory where wood is used, significant amounts of waste are collected. Wood dust, sawdust, bits of wood, too much...
Author - Mihaela Radu
Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.
Surfaces made of wood or derived materials (MDF, veneered chipboard) must be resistant, both mechanically and chemically. The safest way to...
The two months of isolation at home have got many thinking about the benefits of a house with a yard. That piece of land around the house...
What do a play tower, two Wood IQ CNCs and €500,000 turned down at the Lion Empire have in common?
The birth of his daughter prompted him to think of ways of spending time that would educate and harmoniously develop the child. And so was born the tower of...
The other day, a friend of mine who produces furniture with painted MDF fronts called me to ask me how much paint should be used per 1 m² of MDF....
The transition to series production often comes with the need for machines that increase productivity and reduce working time. To...
Don't say that, since we're forced to live in houses, you don't think more and more often about modifying or reorganizing spaces. The kitchen is...
We're so used to the basic machines in factories that we don't think about when and how they got to the performance they have today. The moving...
Felder Gruppe Romania's latest campaign brings hope and confidence. It is that message together that we needed...
I saw this question a few days ago on a carpenters' group and it was addressed to all colleagues in the group. Since then I have been thinking about...