In the past, wood was a common presence in the kitchen, and I don't just mean furniture. Spoons, choppers, mincers, juicers, bread-kneading trowels, they were all...
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Four years after the forest fires in Val di Susa, on the border between Italy and France, local cooperative La Foresta is mobilizing to help the...
Named after Queen Victoria of England, whose reign lasted from 1837 to 1901, the Victorian style is a British style, strongly dominated by a love of...
Timber frame houses are sometimes said to be too light to be strong. And yet being lightweight comes with a number of...
În legătură cu lemnul taninos am spus că la finisare trebuie folosite materiale care izolează lemnul pentru ca taninul să nu afecteze culoarea sau procesul de...
After the interior and exterior walls, windows were installed, the roof was erected and the terrace was built at the Lake House. Previous stages -...
Natural design and certain treatments such as structuring or artificial ageing are more visible when the wood is stained. The effect is accentuated...
Have you ever noticed that the movie sets, furniture, doors, floors, wooden objects, mirror frames in the houses where the action takes place are not...
The choice of wood for a wide range of projects, both inside and outside the home, is determined by criteria such as the variety of species...
În ofertele constructorilor, mai ales a celor de case pe structură de lemn, întâlnim și casele A-frame, numite și casele tip A. Datorită aspectului de casă de...