PCS® (Preventive Contact System) - live demonstrations at LIGNA 2019 Any carpenter or manufacturer in the woodworking and furniture industry has ten...
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One of the most widely used methods of applying varnishes and paints is spraying. The method is used in large factories as well as in workshops and...
The official opening of Expowood Workshops 2019 will take place today, April 11, at 11:00. On the first two days of the fair, Thursday and Friday, there will be a series of...
Bamboo flooring is at the top end of the market in terms of both price and quality. I'm not talking about...
Log houses are spectacular and for many of us a dream. I must admit that it has been my dream for a long time, ever since I saw...
Marius Frătoaica and Constantin Drăghici: What is the secret to success? Simply to do things better than others do them, quality is the...
În perioada 11-13 aprilie 2019 va avea loc la Brașov Târgul Internațional de Echipamente și Tehnologii Profesionale Expowood. Vineri, 12 aprilie, a doua zi de...
All types of wooden houses are produced/built in Romania. In order to have a more complete picture about the producers of wooden houses in Romania, we...
Holzmann woodworking machines can now also be purchased online at . Holzmann products are designed for woodworking workshops and...
Problems when gluing wood are not necessarily the fault of the adhesive. There are many other factors to consider, including...