Crafting ideas

Recovered wood

În toată lumea există un curent foarte puternic împotriva irosirii resurselor și pentru recuperarea și refolosirea lor, acolo unde este cazul. După cum probabil vă imaginați, lemnul nu face excepție. Dimpotrivă, canalele media abundă de exemple de moduri de recuperare și refolosire a lemnului, atât la noi cât si în lume.

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Recuperarea și refolosirea obiectelor vechi din lemn era o obișnuință în trecut

Lemnul se recuperează de oriunde este posibil, în ideea de a nu fi pus pe foc atunci când obiectul sau casa la care a contribuit nu mai sunt folositoare. Pentru că lemnul, acest material incredibil, pare că nu-și încheie misiunea decât atunci când, sugerând parcă sacrificiul suprem, este ars dăruind oamenilor căldură sau hrană.

În trecut, din cauza lipsurilor, mobila nu era aruncată cu ușurință și de multe ori era moștenită de generațiile următoare. La țară, când se înlocuia o ușă, o ferestră, un gard, nimeni nu se gândea sa pună lemnul pe foc decât dacă era putrezit sau attacked by curries. Era refolosit prin gospodărie sau pus de-o parte pentru momentul când va fi nevoie de el.

Odată cu apariția societății de consum, ne debarasăm cu prea multă ușurință de lucruri. Aruncăm mobila veche, din lemn, de la bunica și cumpărăm mobilă nouă, din înlocuitori, de care ne plictisim repede și o înlocuim cu alta. Dacă am înlocuit ferestrele sau ușile ne gândim să ni le ia cineva cât mai repede, să scăpăm de ele. Dar hai să nu mai fim atât de grabiți să le aruncăm ci să încercam să le refolosim. Revistele și site-urile de specialitate sunt pline de idei utile. Iată, mai jos, doar câteva.

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Lemn recuperat în urma demolărilor

Un alt lemn vechi ce poate fi refolosit este cel provenit de la demolarea caselor sau acareturilor vechi. În ultimul timp, odată cu această modă a refolosirii, au apărut foarte multe firme care-l recuperează, îl curăță și-l vând cu profit foarte bun.

Există, de exemplu, o firmă în Oregon, SUA, care recuperează numai lemnul provenit de la case și anexe construite înainte de 1930. Ei au ajuns la concluzia că înainte de acest an se construia cu lemn tăiat numai la maturitate. Lemnul matur are proprietăți mult mai bune, are porii mai mici, mai adunați si este mai rezistent.

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Reclaimed wood furniture made in Romania

Și la noi există mulți cei care lucrează cu lemn recuperat. Poate cel mai bun exemplu este al celor de la Materia care din lemn recuperat fac niște lucruri extraordinare pe care le vând foarte bine în afară. Ei au fost prezenți cu produsele lor la Romanian Design Week 2016. Mai sunt și cei de la Antiqva.

Mă opresc aici deocamdată, dar voi reveni cu alte exemple de lemn recuperat și modalități de refolosire. Dacă vă interesează subiectul, our project made of reclaimed wood vă poate da câteva idei.

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About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.


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  • Congratulations on the text and writing style, it shows that you do not have sablon expressions. May it go well, to as many readers as possible!

    • Thank you! An appreciation from a connoisseur counts for a lot. Good luck with all your projects!

  • Congratulations on the article! I hope that soon more and more people will appreciate the beauty of reclaimed wood. I see the faces the 'craftsmen' make when I tell them why I don't throw away old wood or old doors and windows. I hope to be able to make reclaimed wood cladding on the roof of the house and a small shed for garden tools made from old doors. I would be interested in articles on how to make things and protect wood. Thank you!

    • Thanks to us too! Indeed, you can make very beautiful things out of reclaimed wood. Very soon we will have an article about a garden table top made from reclaimed wood from pallets, which we made new from start to finish. We want to present all the steps of the process. Regarding the protection, if you tell me what kind of protection you mean, I will be happy to answer.

      • I look forward to the article, I too would like to make a garden table from reclaimed wood on an iron frame. The reclaimed wood is from the old roof, I still don't know how much of it I can save, the craftsmen left it in a messy pile under the open sky. I would like at least one wall like in photo 1. The doors and window frames I could keep in storage and will recycle. I'd like to leave it like that, with the existing patina, just cover it with clear, matte varnish if possible.

        • If it's not rotten, even if it's been under the open sky, the wood is good. Just let it dry, clean it (planed and sanded) and then it can be finished. Old wood will stay with its patina even if it is a little planed and sanded. Only going deeper will remove the patina. If you want it to stay as close as possible to the way it is now, sand it lightly with medium abrasive sponges (sanding paper 150-180), then you can apply varnish. Be careful, the wood must not be wet.

  • Hello, I've been reading articles about reclaimed wood, the problem is I can't find where I can buy it. I have some projects in mind, but can't find where to buy. Google hasn't been much help.

  • Hello. Could you tell me if it would be possible to paint the old furniture? The veneered one and how to treat the surfaces?

    • Good evening. Is it possible to paint old furniture. The important thing is to clean it thoroughly beforehand. Furniture care products contain waxes and paints do not adhere to wax. Before painting, wash it well with water and detergents and wipe it well. Before applying the paint, lightly sand the furniture surface with a fine abrasive sponge to increase adhesion. The compatibility between the two coats, the old and the new one, should also be checked. The best behaves water-based paints available in DIY stores. More information on this subject can be found in the DIY section of the magazine ("A new life given to an old piece of furniture", "I want new furniture", etc). The same goes for cleaning and refinishing veneered furniture.
      All the best.

  • super! it looks great! and you can really make wonderful things out of reclaimed wood.
    but what can I do with some oak cabinets recovered from an old wooden deck 9 cm thick, but which have many nails left in the wood? I can not remove them because they are rusty and break.
    any suggestions!

    • If they can't be removed, why not cut them to size? I think you'll be able to find a use for the wood even with the leftover nails in it. Good luck! 🙂

  • good day
    I am using reclaimed wood from the old house for the new house, but I have a big problem with decay, which is getting a bit of a problem inside the old beams. Every year they continue to evolve, turning into flycatchers that re-enter the existing holes and lay their eggs and continue to evolve.

    what is the solution to get rid of these creatures that continue to warp the reused wood in household items, including beams?

    • Hello,
      Woodworms are very hardy and grow well in wood with humidity above 16%. If the wood is old it is already well infested and needs aggressive treatment with concentrated substances. The adult beetle lays about 50 eggs before it dies and the larvae live in the wood for 10-12 years. Search on the net for "solutions for treating wood attacked by woodworm". You will find several companies selling such products. You can apply them by brushing, but spraying is best. The treatment should be repeated 2-3 times at intervals of one week (or as much as the manufacturer recommends). Sometimes it is even necessary to put the solution into the holes with a syringe. Usually the wood is treated before use, even if it is salvaged. This makes treatment easier.
      All the best!


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