Business - Painting Equipment - Finishing Techniques

I-FRONT, a new brand of painted MDF fronts

We've reached I-FRONT Cluj-Napoca shortly after we filmed the footage of the MDF finishing, which you can see here here. I still had in my mind what I had stated about the quality of the paint film and the conditions in the finishing area, when the proposal came to visit a new manufacturer of painted MDF fronts equipped with a pressurized spray booth. It was a perfect fit, it was like a conclusion of the video shot, so I accepted immediately. This is how we met Marius (Marius Bob) and MiÈ™i (Kiss Mihaly), two of the four shareholders of the company, who told us about the idea of the painted MDF face factory and the future plans (see video at the end of the article).

The birth of a new brand of MDF fronts

I-FRONT was born out of necessity. Marius, a friend of the other three shareholders since college, started a furniture business some time ago. One of the problems he faced was the increasing struggle to meet delivery deadlines due to the lack of fronts in Painted MDF. Although there are two major manufacturers of painted MDF fronts, the increasing demand has resulted in delivery times increasing considerably. Marius saw that he was not the only one with such problems, with demand being high all over the country, not just in Cluj, where he operates. So he came up with the idea of setting up a factory to paint MDF to the highest quality.

As high quality meant important investments, he seriously documented the idea and presented the business proposal to his old friends. The timing was perfect. Although they were already in the construction business, Miși and his partners liked Marius' idea and they started down this road together.

Everything they have done since the decision to industrially paint MDF has been about quality. They purchased equipment to ensure a continuous production flow, fast order fulfillment, outstanding milling and a high quality finish. They started from the very beginning with machines for MDF machining and equipment for the finishing area: with a circular cut-to-pack, CNC, sanding machine, pressurized spray booth and a high-performance exhaust system.

The first painted MDF fronts were made for Marius' factory. That way they could check the quality and improved where needed. Only when they were satisfied, and they are hard to please when it comes to quality, did they start accepting orders from factories in the area. In the meantime, they are testing new patterns and finishes and developing a line of clear-finished veneered MDF. For now they are focusing on the Cluj market and the surrounding area, but do not rule out expansion if demand is there. The focus is on quality and they are counting on it to conquer the market.

High film quality is only achieved in a clean environment

The very good quality of the painted surfaces is due to the clean working environment. Dust removal is very well managed and absent even where sanding is done by hand. Dust is removed as soon as it is generated, not allowed to accumulate.

The spraying area is well separated from the mechanical processing area. Even if you try to remove it as best you can, some dust still remains and it doesn't take much to ruin a wet paint film. Between the spray booth and the machine shop they've set up a buffer area, used more for passing through and temporary storage of some finishing materials. From here you enter the pressurized spray booth and the drying area for the painted boards.

High cabin pressure keeps dust at bay. This is where the finishing materials are applied and the vacuum system removes varnish particles floating in the air (overspray). What remains is electrostatically attracted to the foil on the walls. The panels are left in this area to dry to dust and fingerprint. Only then are they moved to the drying area.

Sanding, both the milled MDF and the insulation and primer, is done very carefully and thoroughly. On flat surfaces a brush and drum sander is used. In milling where it is hard to reach, sanding is done with hand-held machines with vacuum and even by hand. At the end, the painted boards have a smooth surface and a very pleasant touch.

Finishing products and supplier relations

Last but not least, the quality of the finish depends on the materials used and the relationship with the supplier. The materials must be of a professional standard, created specifically for industrial use, not those found in DIY stores. They are finishing systems with successive coats, each with its own role to play, which result in quality finished surfaces. Stages are not skipped, drying times are not reduced, application technology does not change! There are no shortcuts if you want quality.

The relationship with the supplier is important because he chooses the right system and determines the technology. He knows which is the way to achieve the finishes the customers want. I-FRONT works with Lomilux and use ICA brand finishing materials, but the above recommendation applies regardless of the supplier chosen. Marius and MiÈ™i have a very good relationship with Lomilux and Cristi, who set the technology and materials they work with. He is there when a new finish is wanted or if the slightest problem arises. See Cristi here showing various wood staining baths.

Watch Marius and Miși in their new painted MDF factory below. Good luck I-FRONT!

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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