You will see one of the simplest things that can be made from wood. It is simply a project made from just a few pieces of wood and strips of leather. It's a wooden version of one of the most popular children's toys and much more suitable than any plastic version. Plus, it's an idea for parents who appreciate and prefer simple, natural materials. It is a project with low material consumption and minimal difficulty. You can see from the very first image that there is nothing complicated or difficult to do. And, the idea of making something with your own hands for your child or other children in the family is very tempting, even for those less skilled at this kind of activity.
with just a few simple measurements and operations
Sanding is one of the most important finishing operations, and in this case, you need to sand thoroughly. The smoothest and finest surface is absolutely necessary.
Leather strings can be used to hang wooden balls, rings or bracelets.
If you have older children in the family, you can do something just as simple for them. Don't spend money on nonsense!
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