Forester - Woodworking

LT20 Wood-Mizer saw in action, from traditional crafts to construction and restoration projects

The LT20 Wood-Mizer Saw makes a significant contribution in a variety of areas, from traditional crafts to large construction and restoration projects. Recognised globally and appreciated by operators, the LT20 band saw has paved the way for the modernised version, LT20START. This new model is economical and is equipped with full hydraulics and automatic cutting height adjustment systems. The LT20START is the best choice in professional cutting for beginners, offering a smooth start in the industry.

Start your woodworking adventure with the LT20 saw!

This easy-to-handle band saw is ideal for entrepreneurs eager to start or expand a small business. But the LT20 isn't just about cutting wood, it's also about growing your business. You can maximise its potential by adding other machines such as a circular edger, multi-blade saw, thicknessing saw and a planer/trimmer. Whether used for mobile wood cutting services or supplying the highest quality lumber, the LT20 saw is adaptable to meet various market requirements.

Plus, it's a smart investment. The LT20 retains its value, and when you're ready for the next step, upgrading to models like the LT40 or LT70 is a smooth transition. Many companies around the world have built on their success using the LT20, proving it's an ideal option for those looking to make their mark in the woodworking industry.

"The good thing about a Wood-Mizer saw is that the cut is precise and the blade is thin, so you can get the most out of the wood. We do our best to reduce waste"says Mr Kennedy, owner of a Indonesian companies processing exotic hardwoods such as rosewood for export using an LT20 saw. 

LT20 Wood-Mizer
Indonesia Rosewood processing with LT20
Affordable homes for everyone with LT20

The LT20 saw is a fantastic tool for anyone dreaming of building their own home, especially if you're considering a wooden structure that is both budget-friendly and eco-friendly. Timber frame homes are economical and use easily recyclable and environmentally friendly materials.

Around the world, where traditional construction costs can become overwhelming, the LT20 saw comes to the rescue. It gives prospective homeowners the ability to produce timber tailored to their specific building needs, reducing costs and making the desire to build a home achievable.


In addition, operators can receive stable contracts and have a consistent flow of work on these construction projects. But that's not all - the flexibility of the LT20 doesn't stop at housing. It's also perfect for building garages, garden sheds, workshops, barns, pavilions and even larger structures such as warehouses.

For prospective homeowners and contractors in the lumber industry, the LT20 is more than a machine; it's a gateway to building dreams and community development.

"The LT20B is a compact machine. I think it has many advantages due to its small size and weight. This saw could even be used in a shipyard, on ships that are being repaired.", says the Polish entrepreneur Mr Zygmunt Koss, who won the tender and took part in a large European project to produce wooden beams for the formwork of North Sea wind power plants. He operates a Wood-Mizer LT20B bandsaw, which later helped him build a wooden house in Poland. "Our company's prosperity began with the Wood-Mizer saw. It's the machine that allows us to fulfill woodworking orders"says Mr Koss. 

LT20 Wood-Mizer
Poland Zygmunt Koss
Precise machine for specialised woodworking

The LT20 saw shines in projects where precision and quality are crucial. The LT20 played a key role in the restoration of a 100-year-old wagon in Spain, where a close match to the original style was essential. LT20 produced everything from cladding and interior panels to windows and floors on site, under the watchful eye of cultural heritage inspectors.

LT20 Wood-Mizer
Spain Renovation of train wagons

"Thanks to my saw, I did most of the work to restore the wagons. The Wood-Mizer saw doesn't just cut logs. This machine makes precise cuts, which is very important when separate details are needed. We saved a lot of wood and time", says Emilio González Rodriguez, who took part in the restoration project. "I'm a Wood-Mizer fan! This saw is my best assistant."

The portability of the LT20 saw has changed the traditional way of using it, allowing the saw to be moved directly to restoration sites, such as a railway project in Spain or replacing the roof of an ancient monastery in Bulgaria. Here, LT20 produced wood, essential for the sensitive restoration needs of the monastery, which required specific sized planks that were hard to find and purchase.

LT20 Wood-Mizer
Bulgaria Monastery works with LT20

Thanks to its mobility, the LT20 saw can be transported to remote or problematic locations, making the most of local resources while providing excellent cutting accuracy and efficiency. This capability has increased its demand in historic restoration projects, proving that it's not just about cutting wood, but also about preserving history.

Craft heritage and community

The LT20 saw is not just a machine; it's a cornerstone of family businesses, often passed down through generations. Deeply rooted in their local communities, these businesses rely on the LT20 to maintain the quality and service that has become their hallmark. The LT20 sawmill allows new generations to continue to expand their operations while maintaining the trust earned locally.

The Peretti family in Italy keeps alive their traditional craft of wooden spoons and plates thanks to the LT20 saw. Around 300 small companies existed in the Val Strona Valley (also known as the "Valley of Spoons"), each making wooden products and spoons and marketing them throughout Italy. Now only 30 remain.

"It has become customary for everyone here to simply focus on quantity instead of quality. With the crisis and the influx of imported products, everything changed and not everyone managed to survive", shares Noris Peretti, one of three family members continuing a successful family business. "Wood-Mizer has opened up a world of opportunity. It made us more competitive on price, because we no longer had to rely on an external mill to produce lumber. It increased our independence and flexibility."

LT20 Wood-Mizer
Italy LT20 mobile
Active retirement

Plus, LT20 is perfect for retirees looking for an active, fulfilling lifestyle close to nature. It allows them to engage in woodworking while maintaining their physical activity and mental acuity. 

The LT20 saw is not only good for cutting wood, but also for making community ties. Retirees often use it to help their neighbours, sustainably manage local forests and even produce custom furniture that showcases the uniqueness of local resources.

"I've always wanted to find a place where I could relax and be in close contact with nature"says Henry Kurzaj, a retired French engineer who likes to cut with his LT20 saw and produce tables, benches, chairs or shelves  - all made of natural solid wood. "I'm glad I can use beautiful local wood that didn't come from a distant continent. I'm proud to be able to work with wood from my own forest. It gives me real inspiration."

LT20 Wood-Mizer
France Henry Kurzaj LT20 for an active retirement
Urban drainage 

The LT20 saw is suitable for cutting urban timber, turning old wood, dead trees and unused logs from potential waste into valuable resources. Turns reclaimed wood from structures such as old barns into usable materials. Felled trees, instead of being discarded or turned into firewood, are cut into planks and beams with the LT20 saw. These can be used to make benches, fences, pathways or other objects to beautify the urban and rural environment.

Especially useful for urban park maintenance services, foresters and farmers, the LT20 saw helps to manage land more responsibly by carefully clearing unwanted wood. It supports environmental cleanliness and sustainability by allowing users to transform overlooked wood into functional and aesthetically pleasing materials for the community.

LT20 Wood-Mizer
Reusing urban wood in London


Wood-Mizer RO S.R.L.
Factory No. 6, Sura Mica 
557270 Jud. Sibiu 
Machine info: +40 755 20 20 30


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