Today, 22 November 2023, starts "nZEB Week". The event is dedicated to near-zero-energy smart buildings (nZEB), brings together exhibitors from the field and takes place in Bucharest, at the Laminor Hall, from 22-25 November 2023.
NZEB is a building efficiency standard. From 2021, all new buildings - houses, blocks of flats, schools, nurseries, hospitals, sports halls and concert halls - must meet this standard. NZEB is short fornear zero energy buildingwhich meansnear-zero energy building. The concept originated in the European Community to reduce energy consumption in residential buildings. EU Directive 31/2010 obliges all Member States to implement measures to reduce energy consumption from 31 December 2018 for new state-run buildings and 31 December 2020 for new private buildings. Read more in this article.
nZEB Week in Bucharest is the continuation of the project "nZEB Roadshow", an event organised in the past by the Cluster for the Promotion of Buildings with Near Zero Energy Consumption (pRO-nZEB). To organise this event, nZEB Week, The pRO-nZEB Cluster has partnered with ZEBRO - "a team of nZEB Activists dedicated to promoting energy efficient, green, sustainable buildings."
The event takes place at the Laminor Arena in Bucharest and the entrance is free. More details about the event, how to get there, where to park, you can find here. And the Agenda of the event is here.
We take advantage of the presence of so many specialists in this field to organize, together with Ion Iosif, the owner of the house, a PREMIUM PASSIVE HOUSE TOUR certified by the Passive House Institute. It is the third house in Romania to obtain this certification, and Ion opens his house for visits on Saturday, November 25, from 09.00 to 12.00, in two shifts. Together with Ion, the people who participated in the construction and certification of the house are also waiting for you at the event: Vlad Liteanu - built the structure of the house, Raluca Munteanu - architect, Ovidiu Țifui - designed and assembled the entire thermal installation system, Cătălin Petre - windows and doors, Horia Petran - Blower Door test, Adriana Sângeap - PHI certification, Cristina Târțău - Creative Engineering. If you are planning to build a house, this is an excellent opportunity to learn from those involved in the construction of this house what were the challenges and especially the solutions offered. Just think, all in all, including the beneficiary experience. It really is a super-home, but places are limited! To be able to participate please register on the next page You can also find more details about the event there.
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