Manufacture of wooden houses

With whom, in how long and at what price I BUILD A WOOD HOUSE

În România se produc/construiesc toate tipurile de case din lemn. Din dorința de a avea o imagine cât mai completă despre producătorii de case de lemn din România am realizat un sondaj. Întrebările au fost formulate în urma discuțiilor cu producători de case din lemn, dar și cu cei interesați de o astfel de casă.

Am trimis chestionarul la marea majoritate a producătorilor de case sau de elemente și panouri industrializate pentru case. Răspunsurile primite le găsiți în Revista din Lemn, ediția din Martie 2019.

The theme of the March 2019 issue of Wood Magazine is WOOD HOUSES. In the 90 pages of the magazine you will discover a lot of information gathered by our team during the last months of documentation. Here are some of the questions you'll get answered inside the magazine

  • Who builds wooden houses in Romania? How quickly and at what price?
  • How to extend a house vertically? What does the owner think of such a vertical extension?
  • What does an evolving house, whose dimensions evolve over time, look like? How much does it cost?
  • Can I install underfloor heating?
  • What are the advantages of a wooden house?
  • What are the types of industrialized wood from which these houses are made? What are their characteristics?
  • How to build an energy efficient house?
  • How does a passive house on wood structure work?
  • How do you get a building permit or town planning certificate? How is the DTAC (Technical Documentation for the Building Permit) made?
  • What are the advantages of using roof space as a loft?
  • How to build a log house, in how much time and at what price? What are the joints used and how are they made?
  • What materials are used, what are the ways and advantages of exterior wood cladding?

The magazine can be purchased at newsstands for 35 lei or by subscription on our website.2019 subscription to Din Lemn Magazine contains 2 magazines with issues in March and September 2019.

The price of a subscription for 2019 is 64 lei or 13,59 euro if you want to pay by bank card.

You can subscribe to our website in just a few clicks. You can pay by credit card (5% discount), bank transfer (5% discount) or cash on delivery. After placing your order you will immediately receive an email with your order details.

If you have opted for payment by bank transfer (5% discount) please make the payment to the mentioned account. After payment you will receive the March 2019 issue together with your subscription invoice.

If you have opted for cash on delivery please make payment on delivery of the March 2019 issue. The September 2019 issue of the magazine will be delivered to your home or to the address you specify in your order.

If you opted to pay by card (5% discount), you will receive the magazines when they are released in March 2019 and September 2019. From this year, card payment via PayPal is also available. For this method of payment you must make sure you pay in Euros. Then choose your payment method, by card or via your PayPal account. And in this case you get a discount of 5%.

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It is very simple.

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In the final phase you add your billing and delivery details, choose your payment method and send your order. If you choose to pay by credit card (only available in euros) or by bank transfer you get a discount of 5% off the order value.

If you also want the 2018 magazines, you can buy them now for only 39 lei by ticking the white box next to I WANT THE 2018 MAGAZINES (see image below).

If you have any problems while purchasing your subscription please let us know and we will help you.

We hope you find our magazines useful, appreciate our work and choose to support us by subscribing to Wood Magazine.

Thank you,

Wooden Magazine Team

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About the author


I've had the chance to work in various departments. Thus I gained experience in Finance, Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Operations, Marketing. I am a team player and an all around player. I am an entrepreneur, I coordinated the sale of a wood varnish and paint business to a multinational. In 2016 I discovered the digital world, publishing and online marketing. Since then I have moved my accumulated experience and skills online.


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  • Mă aşteptam ca articolul să răspundă titlului…
    Titlul normal ar fi ceva de genul ‘Cât te costă ca să afli „Cu cine, în cât timp și la ce preț CONSTRUIESC O CASĂ DIN LEMN” ‘.
    Este posibil să plătesc abonamentul pe 2019 și să constat că informațiile din revistă se concentrează pe reclama către producători care au plătit să apară acolo, cum este obiceiul și în unele articole pe site.
    Având în vedere că informațiile sunt culese în urma unui sondaj, cred că ar fi fost mai potrivit ca rezultatele să apară într-un articol (gratuit), iar cei interesați să aibă libertatea de alegere.

    • Cine mai poate lucra gratuit? Eu apreciez foarte multe revista si articole publicate gratuite pe site si pe FB. Si suma pentru abonament este chiar foarte mic in comparatie de ce primesti.

  • Eu am nevoie acum nu sa caut revista pe la chioscuri , in principiu plateste cine vinde cu bani cumparatorului in momentul cand vinde , asa ca ar trebui sa fie informatia gratuita . Pa frumosilor.


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