Lucian Dincă is a young entrepreneur who had the courage to start his own business and who, despite...
Archive - December 2020
Pre-purchase consultancy, installation and training, after-sales support - these are the stages in which...
Although it's the end of the year, the cute craftsman Holzmann is working and researching to bring...
Szolvegy, the company that owns the TISZABOND brand of adhesives, is looking for distributors. Efforts to establish a distribution network...
Wood-Mizer introduces a new version of the popular LT15 saw that extends the range of applications of this...
Sometimes 15 minutes is all it takes to get to work with someone. The way they present themselves, the way they win you over...
Mould is an unpleasant appearance inside or on the outside of houses, on the wood with which the house is clad, on stone...
I think I've told you before that I don't like walking around the mall or going to stores to buy clothes or shoes...
Some time ago I was asked to help repair some old doors that were partially destroyed in the cleaning process. They came from...