Adhesive Application - Business

Do you want to be a distributor of TISZABOND adhesives? Find out the areas of interest!

Szolvegy, the company that owns the TISZABOND brand of adhesives, is looking for distributors. Efforts to create a distribution network, as complete as possible and covering all areas of the country, have been underway for some time. There are already distributors in Iasi, Suceava, Oradea, Râmnicu Vâlcea and other areas of Romania, as can be seen on the contact page in company website. Through these distributors, TISZABOND adhesives also reach small manufacturers, small workshops and DIY enthusiasts. In order to penetrate as deeply as possible into the market of furniture and woodworking and related products, Szolvegy is continuously developing its network of distributors.

tiszabond szolvegy adhesive distributor
Szolvegy Team
Szolvegy's target areas and requirements to be a Tizsabond distributor

The areas where distributors are sought are:

  • Constanta - Braila
  • Galati - Buzau - Vrancea
  • Prahova - Dâmbovița - Teleorman - Bucharest
  • Dolj - Gorj - Mehedinți - Caras Severin
  • Arad - Timis
  • Satu Mare - Salaj - Cluj

In terms of requirements, Szolvegy is interested in companies that are familiar with wood so they can help the customer with advice and recommendations on adhesives. There are differences between indoor and outdoor adhesives, between adhesives used for bathroom furniture or for living room or bedroom furniture. That is why it is important that the company in question has worked in the field of woodworking and furniture or the materials used to make it.

In short, the criteria used to select Tiszabond distributors are:

  • knowledge of solid wood (hardwood and softwood), gluing of laminated elements, laminated panels, furniture elements, etc.
  • storage possibilities in heated space
  • to be active in the distribution of solid wood products or ancillary products for the wood industry and derived products: hardware, glues, oils, varnishes and paints, adhesives, etc.

At first glance the above criteria may seem very restrictive. But a good knowledge of the field helps the distributor to find customers easily, which leads to a fast and solid business development. In addition, knowledge about wood gluing protects the distributor from problems due to wrong recommendations.

tiszabond szolvegy adhesive distributor
In the Târgu Mureș warehouse
Who is Szolvegy

Szolvegy is already a name in the field of wood gluing and is one of the top three manufacturers and distributors of adhesives. The adhesives are manufactured by Szolvegy Vegyipari KFT Hungary and distributed in Romania by Szolvegy Vegyipari SRL, a Romanian company based in Târgu Mureș. More information about the company's emergence and development can be found in the Company Interview here.

The company produces professional adhesives for the wood and wood building materials industry. According to its own statements, it works closely with customers to understand their needs and provide products with the most effective results. Thanks to the experience gained in the production of adhesives they have a portfolio of innovative products suitable for a modern woodworking industry. The adhesives are mainly PVA (polyvinyl acetate), aracite, as they are still called, but they also have polyurethane adhesives in their portfolio.

The company is open to share information about adhesives and bonding techniques, about behaviour of adhesives under various conditions or about how to avoid sticking problems. They are also constantly concerned with ensuring the constant and continuous quality of their products, having permanent collaborations with renowned European laboratories such as the Rosenheim Institute in Germany or the Wood Institute in Sopron, Hungary.

If you have a company that sells products needed for the processing of wood and wood derivatives or the production of furniture or other wooden objects and you have your headquarters or workplaces in one of the above areas of interest, the distribution of TISZABOND adhesives can be an opportunity for business development. To do so, simply send an email to, send a message from the contact page of the company's website to the following address here or call the company director directly on the phone number on the same page. Good luck!
tiszabond szolvegy adhesive distributor
Shipment of adhesives to the customer

About the author

Mihaela Radu

Mihaela Radu is a chemical engineer but has a great passion for wood. She has been working in the field for more than 20 years, wood finishing being what defined her during this period. She gained experience working in a research institute, in her own company, as well as in a multinational. She wants to continuously share her experience with those who have the same passion - and more.

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